Before your visit
When can I visit the Museum?
The Museum is open Wednesday–Sunday, 10 am–4 pm. We are also open with free admission for select holidays and events.
The Museum is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
How can I purchase admission tickets?
You can buy your admission ticket in person at our welcome desks or in advance online. Advance tickets are not required. We offer an array of discounts and opportunities to visit for free, including free admission for youth 17 and under. Learn more about our admission prices.
What is included with my admission ticket?
All exhibitions are included in the price of your ticket. Tickets are valid for the entire day. Select events require additional tickets. For a list of upcoming events with ticketing information, visit our calendar.
If you decide to become a Member during your visit, stop by our welcome desks to apply the price of your ticket to a membership. Learn more about membership.
Are there any discounts available on admission tickets?
Members visit free year-round. Admission is free for select holidays and events.
A variety of discounts on admission are available, including, but not limited to, EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare recipients; military and veterans; and students, faculty, and staff at Institutional Partner schools. View all discounts.
What are my parking options?
Free parking is available in the Salisbury Street lot and Lancaster Street lot. Accessible parking spots are available in the Salisbury Street lot, and both entrances offer barrier-free access.
Free street parking is available on Lancaster Street and Tuckerman Street, and metered spots are available one block away in the Highland Street Municipal Parking lot.
The Tuckerman Street lot is currently closed due to construction.
While you’re here
What can I see and do during my visit?
Discover global stories—from art made thousands of years ago to works being created today—told across four floors of expansive galleries. Learn more about what’s on.
New events are always around the corner, and free tours are offered every week. To see a list of tours and events happening during your visit, check out our calendar.
Are any galleries temporarily closed?
Our campus transformation is underway! The Worcester Art Museum has begun the next major step in its evolution, made possible by supporters of A Bold Step Forward. An extensive number of renovations, upgrades, and repairs are underway in an effort that will transform and preserve our historic campus for generations to come.
As part of this ongoing work, the following galleries are temporarily closed. Select works from these galleries will be on view in the While We Build gallery starting February 1, 2025:
Where can I get food and drink during my visit?
Food and drink are available at our café, located in the Renaissance Court. The café is open for Museum visitors Wed–Sun, 10 am–3:30 pm. Vending machines are available in the Lancaster Room. Learn more about our café.
When can I visit the Museum’s shop?
Our shop is open during Museum hours: Wed–Sun, 10 am–4pm. Museum admission is not required to visit the shop. Learn more about our shop.
More questions? Contact or 508-793-4355.
When can I visit the library?
The library reading room is open Thu–Sat, 12–4 pm. Museum admission is not required to visit the library. Learn more about our library.
More questions? Contact or 508-793-4382.
Where can I see the Higgins Armory Collection?
A portion of the Museum’s Higgins Armory Collection is currently on view in Gallery 109, Gallery 111, and throughout the European Galleries on Level 2.
Construction is underway on an expansive, 5,000-square-foot new gallery to display our global collection of arms and armor. While construction is in progress, much of the Higgins Armory Collection is on a nationwide tour of museums. Learn more about the upcoming arms and armor gallery.
What activities are there for young children?
The Museum has activities for all ages. Art carts provide interactive experiences related to exhibitions throughout the Museum, hands-on displays invite visitors to touch the materials and tools used to create art, and scavenger hunts are available at our welcome desks. Many of our special events feature kid-friendly artmaking activities, performances, and more. Find more on our calendar.
Visiting museums with kids can seem daunting, but kids happen to be some of our most engaged visitors! Read our tips for visiting with kids to maximize the enjoyment while you’re here.
Studio art classes for kids ages 3–17 offer endless opportunities for creativity and discovery. Learn more about art classes for kids (and adults).
Can I take photos during my visit?
Non-flash photography and video capture is permitted within the Museum, for personal, non-distributional, noncommercial use only. For the safety of the art and Museum visitors, please abide by the following:
- No props are allowed. This includes costume changes, glitter, flowers or other plant material, balloons, umbrellas, masquerade masks, large hats, or other similar costume items, etc.
- Flash photography is not permitted within the Museum.
- Tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, other camera equipment (including drones), and lights are not permitted.
- We cannot accommodate groups over 6 people.
Please note: There may be select exhibitions for which photography of any kind is not allowed. These exceptions are noted on each exhibition page.
To submit a rights and reproduction request, please contact our image licensing partners, Bridgeman Images.
Can I draw in the galleries?
Drawing is encouraged in the galleries, using graphite and colored pencils only . Other materials, including paint, pens, and charcoal, are not permitted.
What else can I do to help keep the art safe?
Please do not touch the works of art. Stay back two feet or more from the works of art, stands, glass cases, and walls. Please hold your young child’s hand for their safety and the safety of the art. Thank you for doing your part to preserve art for generations to come!
All large bags, backpacks, and umbrellas must be placed in the coatroom. Secure lockers are available in Salisbury Lobby and Lancaster Lobby.
Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the galleries.
Are there gender-neutral and family restrooms?
Can I breastfeed and bottle feed in the Museum?
Yes. Breastfeeding and bottle feeding are permitted in all areas of the Museum.
Are the Museum entrances fully accessible?
Both entrances to the Museum are fully accessible. The door at the Salisbury Street entrance can be operated with a push-button. The Lancaster Street entrance has elevator access (the lobby is on Level 2).
When the Museum galleries are closed, please use the Lancaster Street entrance.
Are there accessible parking spaces available?
Designated spaces for accessible parking are available in the Salisbury Street lot.
Is there elevator access to the Museum galleries?
Yes, all galleries are elevator accessible. Museum staff are available to assist with direction to accessible routes.
Can I bring my service dog inside?
Service dogs are always welcome in the Museum.
Do personal care attendants require an additional ticket?
Personal care attendants are admitted free of charge.
What are the benefits of joining the Worcester Art Museum?
Membership is your door to more art. Joining grants you a full year of free admission, special access, discounts, and more. Higher levels of membership include reciprocal benefits at other museums, behind-the-scenes previews, and more. Learn more about membership.
How do I become a Member?
There are many ways to join:
- Stop by a welcome desk
- Visit
- Email
- Call 508-793-4300
If you decide to become a Member during your visit, stop by our welcome desks to apply the price of your ticket to a membership. Learn more about membership.
I haven’t received my membership card yet in the mail. Can I still visit for free?
Yes—you are a Member as soon as you join! Just give your name at the welcome desk, and we will confirm your membership in our system.
How can I make a donation to the Museum?
Your donation directly supports the Museum’s mission to connect people, communities, and cultures through the experience of art. Becoming a Member or increasing your membership level is the best way to get involved, show your support, and make an impact.
The most ambitious fundraising campaign in the Worcester Art Museum’s history, A Bold Step Forward seeks to raise $125 million by 2028. Halfway to its goal, this campaign looks to the Museum’s future to improve and modernize its facilities, strengthen programming and operations, grow endowment to ensure long-term financial strength, and allow us to connect with new audiences and broaden the stories we tell. Learn more about A Bold Step Forward.
Art classes
How do I sign up for studio art classes at the Museum?
Studio art classes are available for adults of all experience levels and kids of all ages. View current class offerings.
Worcester Art Museum Members can sign into their account to receive 10% off classes. Not a Member? Join now!
For questions about signing up, contact or 508-793-4333.
What should I do if a class is cancelled, or if I want to withdraw from a class?
Flora in Winter
What is Flora in Winter and when is it being held this year?
Flora in Winter is an annual, Museum-wide transformation, when works of art are re-interpreted in colorful floral splendor. Flora in Winter 2025 will take place Thursday, February 27–Sunday, March 2, 2025. The Museum will be closed on Wednesday, February 26 to prepare for the event.
Alternate admission prices apply during Flora in Winter. Members visit free—join today!
How do I get tickets for Flora in Winter?
Admission tickets to Flora in Winter 2025 are available at the door only. Flora in Winter is a Museum-wide event—admission prices are different from the rest of the year, and all tickets include the Flora in Winter 2025 experience. Learn more.
Plan ahead! Join, renew, or gift a membership now to get free admission and an easier check-in process.
What discounts are available during Flora in Winter?
Members visit free during Flora in Winter. Youth 17 and under have discounted admission of $7.
Other discounts, including guest passes, reciprocal memberships from other museums, and library passes, are not valid during Flora in Winter.
What activities can I add to my Flora in Winter experience?
Drop-in tours are ongoing every day of Flora in Winter 2025. Select talks and demonstrations require advance tickets. View all events during Flora in Winter 2025.
Can I book a private tour of Flora in Winter?
To book a private tour of Flora in Winter 2025, email or call 508-793-4338.
Is the café open during Flora in Winter?
The café is open 10 am–3 pm during Flora in Winter 2025 and will be located in the Conference Room during the event.
Is the shop open during Flora in Winter?
The shop is open during gallery hours during Flora in Winter 2025:
- Thursday, February 27, 10 am–4 pm
- Friday, February 28, 10 am–4 pm
- Saturday, March 1, 10 am–7 pm
- Sunday, March 2, 10 am–4 pm
Where can I park during Flora in Winter?
The Salisbury Street lot is reserved for accessible parking during Flora in Winter. Additional free parking is available in the Lancaster Street lot. Free street parking is available on Lancaster Street and Tuckerman Street, and metered spots are available one block away in the Highland Street Municipal Parking Lot.
What will happen if there is inclement weather during Flora in Winter?
Updates about winter weather closings will be posted on our homepage.
I haven’t received my membership card yet in the mail. Can I still visit for free during Flora in Winter?
Yes—you are a Member as soon as you join! Just give your name at the welcome desk, and we will confirm your membership in our system.
Private events
Can I host a private event at the Museum (weddings, corporate events, etc.)?
Yes! Venue rentals are available for weddings, corporate events, social events, and more. Learn more about venue rentals.
Can I hold a professional photo shoot at the Museum?
We are not booking private photo shoots at this time.
Can I donate artwork to the Museum?
If you are interested in donating a work of art to the Museum, please contact with information on the possible donation and we will get back to you.
Can I license an image from the Museum’s collection?
Please direct all image licensing requests to Bridgeman Images.
How can I learn more about the history of ownership of an artwork?
Employment, internships, and volunteering
How can I apply to work, intern, or volunteer at the Museum?
The Worcester Art Museum actively seeks employees, interns, and volunteers who will help us achieve our mission to connect people, communities, and cultures through the experience of art. View available positions.
I am a member of the press. What should I know before visiting?
Working press may receive one free admission ticket by presenting their press ID to Museum staff at the welcome desk upon entry.
To obtain permission to film, photograph, or interview on the Worcester Art Museum campus for press purposes, contact the Museum’s Communications and Marketing Department at least two business days prior at
Where can I read the Museum’s press releases and coverage?
All press materials can be found in the press room on our website. If you have any questions or would like to be added to our press release distribution list, email
Do you have a question not answered here?
Contact us at or 508-799-4406.