A Bold Step Forward
Campaign for the Worcester Art Museum

The most ambitious fundraising campaign in the Worcester Art Museum’s history, A Bold Step Forward seeks to raise $125 million by 2028. Halfway to its goal, this campaign looks to the Museum’s future to improve and modernize its facilities, strengthen programming and operations, grow endowment to ensure long-term financial strength, and allow us to connect with new audiences and broaden the stories we tell.
Campaign Priorities

Modernizing and Enhancing the Campus
Capital Improvements ($45 million goal)
Working with award-winning architect Kulapat Yantrastast and his team at WHY Architecture, the Museum has developed a creative and financially sustainable vision for its campus. With art and the visitor experience as foundational principles, a major multi-year plan will transform the campus into one that is more inclusive and easy to navigate, with unexpected moments of awe and delight.

Flexibility to Thrive in Changing Times
Unrestricted ($30 million goal)
Unrestricted support is the single most important factor in the Museum’s ability to open its doors every day, develop and present programs, care for the collection and the campus, and reach the many communities we serve. Unrestricted giving also provides us with flexibility to manage unexpected developments and agility to pivot quickly in a changing environment.

Financial Sustainability for the Future
Endowment ($30 million goal)
Growing the endowment by $30 million over the course of the Campaign is vital to ensuring the long-term financial strength of the Museum. Currently, the endowment is valued at approximately $110 million, generating $5.5 million in annual operating funds. Anticipating rising operational costs in coming years, we seek to increase endowment to sustain and enhance day-to-day operations.

Enabling a Transformative Presentation of a Global Collection
Exhibitions, Collections Care, and Public Programming ($20 million goal)
Through thoughtfully acquired artwork, changing gallery presentations, adult and school programs, and special exhibitions, the Worcester Art Museum responds to shifts in the cultural landscape, inspiring visitors of all ages to learn, enjoy, and return. The Campaign will invest in people and programs committed to innovation and inclusivity, and in the practice of developing expanded narratives that will appeal to diverse audiences. The presentation and preservation of the Museum’s collection, and the creation of outstanding programs and exhibitions, all require staff who are forward-thinking.
For more ways to get involved in supporting the Worcester Art Museum, visit worcesterart.org/join-give.