Teen Portfolio Day
Sunday, February 11, 11 am–1 pm
Free; spaces limited
Bring your work in for a portfolio review in preparation for college applications! Come for a review, stay to hang out with fellow artists and take part in a giant collaborative drawing installation! Free, spaces limited, pre-register to save your spot! Open to all, offered in partnership with Worcester Public Schools.
Teen Exhibit
Monday, April 8–Sunday, May 5
Spearheaded by the Museum’s Teen Council, this open-call exhibition, title TBD by the teens, features artwork from teens ages 13–19 years old from across Worcester County.
Teen Council
Do you want to make a difference? WAM is looking for teenagers 13-18 years of age who share a passion for the arts and a dedication toward community building! The Teen Council is responsible for planning and organizing teen programming such as (but not limited to): Teen Art Exhibitions, Curatorial and Teen Council Collaborative Programs, Teen Docent Programs, and Teen Nights. Council members are expected to attend a monthly in-person council meeting, serve a term of at least one academic year (October to June), and be involved in at least one teen program each year.
Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year open mid-August 2023 and Close September 20, 2023. Apply here.
Teen Apprentice Program
The Worcester Art Museum’s Teen Internship Program is a paid internship program with flexible hours designed for teenagers 16+ years old who have an interest in working in the arts, museums, or education. Interns will participate in a wide range of experiences designed to help with career readiness. From the application and interview process to working with the public, from assisting with studio classes to designing and presenting a research project, each part of the Internship Program will be valuable to both the apprentice and the Museum.
We usually look to hire a Fall Intern, a Winter/Spring Intern, and two Summer Interns. Check the WAM Job Opportunities page to see if we are currently hiring.
The NEA Teen Intern positions are supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.